$5 stock that outperformed Bitcoin in the Last Crypto Bull Run – A Repeat?

So Crypto is pretty hot right now, right? How about a stock involved in Crypto and Blockchain that ran up 38-fold during Bitcoin’s run from $10,000 to $60,000 – a six fold move.

This equity ran from a dollar, plus or minus to $38 in the same period. A thirty-eight-fold move.

They both fell in the Crypto Winter. Bitcoin dropped from high to low about 78%. This company dropped from high to low about 93%. The company is healthy and ready to move higher with Crypto Summer on the horizon.

A screenshot of a graph

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But notice what Galaxy did when bitcoin made its six-fold move:


Roughly $1.00 to $38 dollars. So, a 38-fold move while bitcoin made a six-fold move. Perspective, right?

Galaxy Digital (BRPHF*) $4.93Click to company website here.

I hold the belief that with the catalysts for Galaxy to get listed on a USA exchange possible – and Galaxy and Invesco getting their own Bitcoin ETF – and Galaxy trading in Bitcoin/crypto for 900 institutional clients – and Galaxy being crypto managers/advisors  for other bitcoin ETF’s – and Galaxy having a Venture Capital arm with ownership in 200 plus non-public blockchain related companies – and owning bitcoin as an investment  position – and has a mining bitcoin mining operation – that Galaxy can once again outperform Bitcoin.

Maybe it’s a dream, but it happened before, right? Why not again?

Brokers and investment bankers’ stocks are well known to walk-on-water in their bull markets and to drown in mud puddles in bear markets. Galaxy survived and got stronger in the crypto bear market and now we are heading into what looks like a new crypto bull market.

Here’s to big dreams!

This is promoting a stock I own. Unpaid if you are wondering. I think it is a great way to get crypto and blockchain exposure if you want exposure to that opportunity. Sure, its volatile. No one complains about volatility when a stock is rising, however. That is the opportunity in front of us with Galaxy.

Think Crypto is a Fad? Tell that to Visa, or the SWIFT System or The Real Estate market.

Visa Embraces Solana Blockchain for USDC Settlements – September 2023 Linked

Swift and Chainlink exploring how to connect financial institutions to blockchains – June 2023 – Linked

How NFTs are Revolutionizing Real Estate Transactions – October 4, 2023 – linked

This is real, this is now, and it is happening fast. Dig into it and see for yourself.

Share have been Dollar-Cost-Averaged into including on October 31, 2023.

LOTM’s Style – We are more a controlled speculator, than diversified investor or short-term trader. We allow 100% loss/risk on some purchases. Often, we dollar-cost-average into losing positions. Volatility is our friend, not something to be feared. We let our winners win, as much as possible. We do not like paying taxes. We love value, yet watch charts. Our goal is to find value stocks that might double in one to three-years.

Written October 31, 2023, by Tom Linzmeier, for Tom’s LOTM Blog at https://lotm.substack.com/.

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
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