Everything of Value will be Tokenized!

June 27th, 2024
Excerpt:  Standard Chartered and Synpulse released a report on tokenized real world assets (RWA) with a particular focus on trade finance. They estimate the tokenization market will reach $30.1 trillion within ten years, with trade finance making up 16% or $4.8 trillion. The segment will be amongst the top three classes of tokenized assets globally.

June 18th 2024
At this year’s Consensus, Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov sat down with Kitco News’ lead anchor and editor-in-chief, Michelle Makori, for an in-depth discussion of how real-world asset tokenization paves the way toward transforming global finance and reformatting the world’s value onchain.

“People like Larry Fink, co-founder of Black Rock, are mired in all kinds of legacy problems that cost them literally hundreds of millions of dollars, ”Nazarov said. “And that’s one of the reasons people like him are so excited. Because if you’re a craftsman doing something with one tool and someone gave you a much better tool, you’re excited about that.”

LOTM: It seems the most conservative way to play tokenization is to focus on two alt-coins along with Bitcoin (BTC). These two alt-coins are Ethereum (ETH) and Chainlink (LINK). Ethereum is the Layer 1 alt-coin where most of the work is being done. Chainlink is the leader (Layer 2) in linking Real World Assets (RWA) on a blockchain to other blockchains and the internet.

At this time these are the leaders with a critical head start. Of course, something new or something under development might surpass them, but at this time the leaders are Chainlink as the enabler and Ethereum as the base layer platform.

Let me know if you know of something different. Good luck and good fortune.

We are not traders but rather accumulators of these three coins.

Different topic but important to us all is a rather long interview with Mike Wilson, Chief Investment Officer at Morgan Stanley. Wilson states that every year, the market has a 10% correction. Wilson believes we are very close to at least a 10% correction at this time.

Mike Wilson’s S&P 500 Outlook and Economic Warning
49 minutes, with RiskReversal Media – June 28, 2024

Mike Wilson, Chief Investment Officer at Morgan Stanley joins Guy Adami, Danny Moses, and Dan Nathan for an eighth time! The guys cover market performance, monetary policy post-pandemic, the yield curve’s impact, and investor sentiment. They examine growth concerns, inflation risks, and potential impacts of fiscal policies and government spending. Mike Wilson shares insights on sectors like tech, industrials, and energy, and highlights the importance of watching labor market data and bond market movements. Attention is also given to global elections and their implications for the U.S. economy.

LOTM: Be ready for anything and everything.

LOTM Research & Consulting Service
* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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