Tokenization is Happening Now – Will You Profit from this Change?

There are still people who don’t believe or recognize the global transformation upon us at this time due to Blockchain, Crypto and Tokenization. Wealth creation is happening in this transformation. It is in motion as we write this article but its “application” rather than the tools, is just starting. Bitcoin has averaged 150% annual compounded returns since its inception in 2009. That’s 15 years of compounding return at 150%. The world has never seen this before. It has been volatile, true, but no one can ague the returns in just 15 years. Fifteen year seems like a long time – especially if you are one of the many who deny this technology exists or that it is a real asset.

We encourage you to do some reading and rethink your position. The “application” stage of Crypto, Blockchain and Tokenization is happening now but is still at the beginning of the ballgame, in the first inning with no outs. The next five-years is going to amaze and build wealth in dramatic fashion. Don’t be the one who looks back and says, If only I would have looked at blockchain more deeply. 

As a comparison, after the internet was built, companies that created applications using the internet emerged. You know some of these companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google Apple, Microsoft, Shopify, PayPal and Netflix. This is now the very beginning of applications using the tools we call crypto and blockchain. An exciting time for sure.

Below we have linked reading sources for you to learn more about Crypto and Bitcoin. Our favorite way to invest is in a company that covers everything related to Crypto and Blockchain. Galaxy Digital (BRPHF*). See – the most diversified way to invest in Crypto and Blockchain linked here. Yes, Galaxy is owned in accounts related to LOTM.

Tokenization, Benefits, and the process of tokenizing Real-World Assets

Mahika Arora Mahika Arora Published May 2, 2024 at LinkedIn

Results-Driven SEO Executive | Expert in On-Page & Off-Page Optimization | Link Building Specialist

Key Takeaways:

  • Blockchain networks could gain trillions of dollars’ worth of real value through asset tokenization.
  • Compared to traditional assets, tokenized assets provide permissionless liquidity, open access, on-chain transparency, and less transactional friction.

The process of representing ownership or rights to an asset as a tradable, on-chain token through the use of smart contracts and blockchain technology is known as “asset tokenization.”

Real-world asset tokenization might theoretically refer to the tokenization of anything having monetary worth, like art, real estate, or whisky even if it most frequently refers to the tokenization of financial or fungible assets, such as shares in a firm or a quantity of gold. With the potential to embrace almost all of human economic activity, asset tokenization is one of the most intriguing use cases for blockchain technology. Experts estimate that the real-world asset tokenization market will likely hit a huge $16 trillion by 2030, according to research from BCG. Link to full story here

Tokenization of Real World Assets at LinkedIn by Allan Anthony Cheng

What Is Asset Tokenization?

Imagine being able to own a piece of history. To hold a tangible representation of an event or moment in time that you can keep and share with friends and family.

Now imagine that this is possible without ever having to leave your home. All it takes is a few clicks on your computer or phone and you can own a piece of the world around you.

This is the world of asset tokenization. With asset tokenization, physical assets are stored on a blockchain as tokens, enabling digital ownership and transfer. This process brings a range of benefits, including permissionless liquidity, open access, on-chain transparency, and reduced transactional friction.

Link for full article at LinkedIn here

Cross-Chain is the ability to link a blockchain or token with other cryptos, blockchains or smart-contracts to the real world. Interaction of a tokenized security (a stock, bond or commodity) connected through the internet for changing pricing is an example of cross-chain in action. . This is an area that is under-utilized and not often discussed but mandatory ability. The internation money transfer system, SWIFT, uses Chainlink (LINK) to attach a message of ownership and messaging to a money transfer using the crypto XRP.

Chainlink Links Ripple (XRP) and SWIFT via World’s Largest Securities Settlement System for $100 Trillion Tokenized Asset Interoperability
by Collin Brown at Crypto-News – September 2023 – full story linked here.

  • Blockchain’s Rising Star: Cross-Chain Transfers

Blockchain technology is no longer a mere trend but a solidified component of the modern financial landscape. A whopping 97% of institutional investors foresee tokenization revolutionizing asset management processes. Moreover, a potential $100 trillion worth of U.S. assets may eventually be managed onchain.

Instead of overhauling existing capital market frameworks, many financial institutions opt to collaborate with leading Web3 tech platforms like Chainlink. The goal is to integrate blockchain capabilities into their current systems. This innovative approach is designed to rapidly amplify blockchain’s tangible benefits on the worldwide financial stage. A prime example of this integration is the recent partnership between DTCC, Chainlink, and Swift. See link above for full story.

From Whitepaper to Market: The Role of Cross-Chain Token Development

Sourced at t LinkedIn by Jade MacKinley. Full story at Linked In linked here

In the fast-paced world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, the journey from conceptualization to market adoption is an intricate process filled with challenges and opportunities. The creation of a whitepaper marks the initial step, where innovative ideas are documented and presented to the crypto community and potential investors. However, the true test lies in transforming these ideas into practical, functioning tokens that can seamlessly interact across different blockchain networks.

Platforms like Polkadot and Cosmos provide comprehensive frameworks for building interoperable applications and tokens. Smart contract platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche are indispensable for implementing cross-chain functionality. Moreover, development kits like Chainlink and Cosmos SDK offer pre-built modules and APIs, streamlining the process of cross-chain token creation. These tools and frameworks collectively empower developers to build robust and versatile cross-chain tokens that can thrive in the interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

What is the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA)?

Discover how tokenization could bring much-needed liquidity to existing — and emergent — asset classes. February 27, 2024 Convera (full article Link here)

The rise of blockchain technology is sending rippling effects across the payments landscape. From central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to AI-enhanced fintech security solutions and more, the applications are expanding quickly. Protecting sensitive payment information, especially cardholder data and credit card data, is becoming increasingly important in this evolving landscape.

While some solutions are further off, one innovation is happening today: the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA).

According to a recent report from McKinsey & Company, the market for these kinds of tokenized digital deals is projected to reach $5 trillion by 2030.

The starting gun has been fired. The race is on. Many new investment opportunities will come public in the next three to five years. It is not too late to begin participation in this new asset class and its applications to the real world. Is it speculative? Yes, it is. Is Crypto and blockchain volatile? Yes, it is. Don’t get involved in crypto or blockchain if your only interest is preserving wealth in fiat currencies.

Galaxy Digital (has invested in more then 220 private companies exploring crypto, tokenization and blockchain applications. This was prior to Galaxy raising another $100 million dollars in a secondary stock (April 19, 2024) offering for working capital and expand its company’s holdings in private company equity that is developing crypto and blockchain applications. I am not aware of any other public company accesses for retail investors to participate at this scale, in private companies developing applications in Crypto and Blockchain.

Crypto currencies that accounts related to LOTM have an interest in accumulation include Bitcoin (BTC),* Ethereum (ETH),* ChainLink (LINK), and Polkadot (DOT. As mentioned above other alt-coins are potential big winners in this space as well.

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
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