LOTM Investment Themes for 2021!

I: Precious Metals are in a Bull Market

  • We have expanded that to all miners as contributors to Infrastructure Buildout, Alternative Energy Expansion and Electrification of Transportation.
  • This Metal Bull is volatile and long winded – this will last for multiple years but expect sharp, sudden and out-of-nowhere corrections. Recoveries will be equally quick and sharp.

II: 2020 to 2030 will be the Decade of Commodities.

  • Fed Policy clearly states low interest rates for multiple years and a desire to let inflation rise above Fed target goals. Why – Pay back the Federal Debt with Cheaper Dollars. It was done after the Civil War and after WW2. First rule of Investing: Follow the Fed.
  • Oil & Gas Prices will rise in 2021 and 2022 as Jet travel and economies normalize with introduction of Covid Vaccines
  • Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminum and Silver demand will increase as the transport industry electrifies – Batteries, Electric motors, Wind Solar & Electronics devices. All require metal and electrical conductivity. As environmental regulations increase with the new administration and inhibit supply, metal prices will rise.

III: Small Cap Stocks out-perform Large Cap stocks in Times of Inflation

  • Growth can out-run inflation and small companies typically grow faster than big companies. That assumption has shifted somewhat from the traditional view as a few big companies have come to dominate in the digital world. In general – still true.

IV: Countries, who are commodity exporters, will has the strongest stock markets and economies

V: Crypto has arrived with Mainstream Acceptance and Bitcoin will dominate.

Below are two articles we would like to share. One from Kitco and the other from Goldman Sachs.

Kitco: It Has Been Decided: Silver is Going Much Higher

Goldman Sachs: Commodities Bull Market Ahead

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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