LOTM: Changes to Increase Efficiency, for you our Subscribers

We are going though some changes here at LOTM. Some intended and some forced upon us by outside forces (hackers).

The most important changes on our list, are factors that we hope, makes LOTM part of your daily routine in making money and financial independence.

LOTM will focus on three areas:

I: Actionable Trade Ideas – Three to Five Ideas sent weekly for both Traders & Investors.

II: Dividend + Appreciation Potential – rapidly growing dividends or Higher than normal dividend returns.

III: Wealth Building – 3X to 10X Appreciation Ideas. This is for our compounding to a Million$ Club but some ideas of course, are shared in the newsletter. This has to be defined as a Speculator’s Space. We do try to find situations where “company” risk is manageable while offering greater than normal appreciation.

The next ten years will be very different from the last ten. Passive investing was a phase that has changed, perhaps even ended. Globalism has ended. Global Tribalism has reappeared. Markets will trend less, making passive investing more difficult. Volatility is high and expected stay high with rapid transitions between war & peace, inflation & deflation, rising and falling interest rates. Money flows will shift quickly between developed countries and emerging country markets, from one industry to another industry. In one sense investing, is harder because more attention and decision making is required. Returns for passive investing will be lower going forward than they have been in the past ten years. Returns for more active investors will be better because volatility is higher.

We want to be part of your team. We have moved to a structure that we hope increases your efficiencies in knowledge and informed decision making.

We will continue to do want we always do but share it in a more direct way.

  • We will look at the Macro and Geo-political landscape to get a big picture view of where money is flowing over the next three to ten years. We answer the question about what asset groups are receiving funds and which ones are being drained of funds.
  • Then we will drop down a level and look at industries and companies with-in this bigger picture that benefit from these money flows. Industries are constantly moving between in-favor to out-of-favor money flows. From Over-valued to Under-valued. This is defined in the stock market by the technical term, Stage Analysis. Companies and industries change very slowly but prices of stocks change very rapidly. Kinda like high school cliques. They rotate through different stages of popularity, but the cliques never change. In fact, there are 12 high school cliques, did you know that? If you have kids or grandkids, it is probably worth checking the different cliques out! In stock market and Technical Stage analysis, there are four stages: Base Building #1, Rally Phase #2, Topping formation #3, and declining Phase #4.
  • LOTM looks for out-of-favor assets. Country and market sectors that are coming back to “normal” from being over-sold & under-valued. We look at companies within these sectors that are growing faster than the industry, the economy or the inflation rate. We want these companies to have survivability from a Black Swan event. That is always easy, but we’ll do our best. We just experienced a Black Swan event in blockchain and crypto. After profiling company fundamentals, we screen and monitor ideas in companies, industries and/or counties to see where they are in Stage analysis. The technical analysis part of what we do. We add a few indicators of our own and come up with the probability of a trend change from Base Building moving into Rally Phase. We are at heart, fundamental investors, working on the appropriate entry point for shortening the time duration of the investment. In doing this, we meet short-term traders needs and well as long-term investors needs and even speculators needs. Knowing yourself and knowing your plan, will determine your time frames and risk management techniques.

LEVEL I: Let’s Make a Million$ Club is focused on compounding assets to get to one million dollars faster than “normal”. Group III (above) and “hunting” for 3X and above returns. We also include coaching, training and consulting services within this Club as well. It is focused on what your needs are and your financial goals. It is more intense, and we want Club members who are motivated to succeed and have a drive for success attitude. The membership cost at the Founders rate of $1,200. The Founders fee is good until before August 8, 2022. The Founder Club offer ends August 7th. Following August 7, the price will increase to $1,550. We will do a split payments for the higher rate after August 7th. More information is available by texting a request or we can talk more about what your financial goals are. +1 651 245 6609. Please ask if you have questions refunds are available if after learning more you wish a refund. Text if interested.

LOTM does not give investment advice or tell you what to do. You manage your account. We will provide ideas, coach, train or consult with you on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly things that could happen. We want you as confident as possible in tough times. We want you informed and feel you have someone on your side and on your team.

LEVEL II subscription will be the LOTM Newsletter. The cost will be $239 as a single payment. We are considering a $24.95 monthly payment ($299 annually), but it is a headache for a one person business who lives outside the USA much of the year.

My goal has never been to be a mass market newsletter writer. My goal is to provide the best information and applied knowledge, gained through experience of over 45 years in the market, for a few, self-selected people.

Have a great day and success for us all!

Written Aug 1, 2022, by Tom Linzmeier, editor LivingOffTheMarket.com

LOTM Research & Consulting Service
* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
Please refer to our web site for full disclosure at www.LivingOffTheMarket.com ZTA Capital Group, Inc.
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