Know your Company: Soluna Holdings
The Stock: SLNH* $9.70
The price is roughly locked in a consolidation pattern with $12 as the top boundary and $8.50 as the lower boundary. Our fear factor is very low for the company. The lower the price, the more we expect to buy. The goal is accumulation and not risk aversion. You decide what aspect of risk management fits you the best. The $7.50 price in the chart above was on the announcement of Russia invading Ukraine. We’d like to say the bottom of the consolidation pattern is around $9.00 but it wasn’t, so we’ll use the lower base-line. If you see a $9.00 price or lower on Soluna we think of it as a gift.
LOTM: I like buying companies first, stocks second and managing the stock position third. It is a process, not a trading approach. Trading just does not excite me. Finding 5x, 10X or 20X is what we are hunting. If this gets your juices flowing, you’re in the right spot. If it does not, there are many excellent trading coaches and sites on line for that purpose. There is no right or wrong. Just personality types.
The long-term goal is to build position size when no one loves the company. To feel confident in buying the stock when no one likes it (much less loves it), your knowledge understanding about the people internal to the operations is important. This is much more important than the price of the stock. If you have the right company profile, good to great people and you build your position size when others are selling you will make a lot of money. Timing is always the most challenging aspect of the game. But when your day comes, and you have the positions built and they run higher, it is an amazing experience to make money that fast.
This is about the Chief Technology Officer at Soluna Holding and how he runs the cyber security at Soluna. I hope and think your appreciation of you ownership in Soluna will grow levels stronger after reading this. It did for me.
We believe Soluna below $10 is a very good value – if you have an eight month to two year time line. We would be very surprised if this is not a three to four times the present price idea.
- Linked here is the March 2022 Monthly update, just released. 17 minute video
Soluna is executing on schedule or ahead of schedule. The numbers (March update linked above) are pretty impressive. We believe they can keep their current pace.
Written April 18, 2022, by Tom Linzmeier editor LOTM
LOTM Research & Consulting Service
* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
Please refer to our web site for full disclosure at ZTA Capital Group, Inc.
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