LOTM: Curated Video Suggestions for The First week of November 2021

There are traders who have little interest in what they trade. They look at technical attributes within a chart and they are ready to go. Very early in my stockbroker career, that was the path I took. My “awaking” happen when the most perfect of chart patterns suddenly broke straight downwards one mornings with no warning because of a long-lasting geopolitical event that was not “in” the chart patterns. My lesson was “know what you are trading” and “why you are trading it” then look at the chart pattern. Company fundamentals are now very important to me. Company survivability is now very important to me. Macro trends are now important to me. It is better to “with the follow’ of money and have an idea “why” that flow of money into a particular industry or company’s stock is happen before I buy the stock.

Below are two curated Interviews that are very timely and important for

  • Not investing in what we hope will happen
  • Not investing in what we want to have happen
  • But Investing in what is happening.

The first Video is more actionable today than the second Video. The flow of conversation is similar to what you have heard from LOTM. Going Green with Alt-energy while reducing supply energy is short sighted and there is no quick fix. Energy costs especially Nat Gas will continue to Increase. This is the same theme LOTM is working in battery metals especially silver for us personally, also for but copper, nickel, zinc, and graphite. Supplies are constrained while incentives are in play to create alt-energy demand that use the restrained minerals. demand. Not much critical thinking at the political level in cause and effect relationships.

The second Video is more about the structural changes that need to happen for Human kind to transition out to the current and dying monetary system that is not working for 90% of the population. Towards the end the of the interview, suggestions are provided as to what his investment positions are and suggested as a strategy for a slowing economy with rising inflation.

In my opinion both can improve your investing success through deeper levels of understanding. I am a big fan of believing Knowledge and especially Wisdom is based in understand deeper levels of how the world works. Similar to deeper layers of an onion.

I: “Global Energy Shortage Has Begun, and It Will Get Ugly – (Prepare Yourself Like This)” Mark Moss
I Love Prosperity Oct 31, 2021

II: “Triple-Whammy: Spiking Inflation, A Slowing Economy & Broken Supply Chains | Michael Every (PT1)” on YouTube
October 29, 2021

Recognizing paradigm change and being early is both rewarding and courageous. It is not for everyone. Some of us are born traders or cannot afford to be invested too early in new paradigms. I believe the two interviews are a window into what are changes and events unfolding now and into the next two to three years. Consider where you are in these changes and if they align with your beliefs. Whatever you do, you have to have convictions that you are comfortable with. This is the challenge of Open Mindedness. Your investment performance will manifest the correctness of your beliefs and convictions.

Good fortune to all!
By Tom Linzmeier, written October 30, 2021

An Open Mind allows you to Evaluate, Understand and Adjust.
You can Read, you can watch Videos, but nothing beats Personal Interaction for accelerated learning.
This game has levels of understanding that could take a lifetime of Trial and Error to learn.

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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