LOTM: Felix Zulauf is Spot On in Calling this Market!

Best Explanation Yet, as to what is happening in the markets – LOTM Digging Deeper:

The linked interview with Felix Zulauf was done April 2, 2021, with Raoul Pal.
Each of us will have our own individual perspective to Zulauf’s projections. I find it highly credible when compared to the events that have unfolded since April 2021. Consider it and see how it fits the market as you have experience it.

Highly Recommended: Felix Zulauf’s Outlook on Equities, Bonds, Currencies, and Commodities (w/Raoul Pal – Real Vision)
Apr 9, 2021, one hour two minutes – you’ll know in the first twenty minutes if you want to hear the unfolding markets part of the interview.

Based on how Zulauf laid out the market performance for 2021 and 2022, and market action from the date of this interview to present, he is nailing it.

This does not speak well for the markets going forward. His target top in the market was six to eight months from April 2021 and the market cycle lows for the market is in the 2023/24 period. He is positive on Emerging Markets, Positive on Commodities including Gold, and bearish on the US Dollar. He has more of a market rotation perspective than a Black Swan event. However, he does see the potential for a 1987 style decline as robots/machine programed trades are triggered into selling the US market.

Topics covered in this linked Video

  • US Dollar
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Bitcoin
  • Emerging markets
  • US equities

Have a great week-end.

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