LOTM: Ten Under $10 for the Double – Updated June 18, 2021

Since we began this stock picking list to find doubles, we think are doing rather good, but striving to be better.

  • Shown in the chart above, the trade by trade, stock picks from

Inception, August 1, 2020, to June 18, 2021, produced a gain of $48,988.19 on $35,127.54 invested.

This is simply trade by trade accounting with no reinvesting or compounding factored in. We have a few stocks that are up more than 100% in the ten and one half month period. Every portfolio needs a few big winners to provide for high total holdings performance. MKTY, AR and RECAF are our biggest runners.

  • Miners sold off hard last week. We see no reason to change our bullish opinion on the mining industry. We hold precious metals for protection against loss of purchasing power of the US$. That has not changed. We do not see rising interest rates as a threat as long an interest rates have a negative spread to the inflation rate. Currently estimates that we have seen, suggest the real inflation rate (non-government statistics), is between 7% and 12%. Lots of room for rates to rise before the difference turns positive. Monday, we will add one or two new names to the miners on the list above. The profit margin on miners are excellent and therefore cash flows positive – historically strong, and debt is historically low across the industry.
  • We are still positive on energy – fossil fuel energy. For all the windmills and solar panels built in the past fifteen years, consumption of energy from fossil fuels is higher that it was 15 years ago. We cannot build enough windmills or solar panels to replace fossil fuels. Environmentalists are now shifting towards Nuclear Power, as the clean fuel of the future. It is the only way we will replace fossil fuels. The biggest risk to fossil fuel investors is Russia and Saudi Aribia. They can flood the market and break the back of American energy companies when ever they want. We have a hold on the oil & gas holding but are not buying more at this time.
  • In our opinion Blockchain and crypto is the best growth industry at this time. We would be and are buyers of the two on the list above MKTY and BRPHF. Revenue at EcoChain, MKTY’s 100% owned subsidiary, is anticipated to increase five-fold form total company revenue for year-ending, Dec 30, 2020, and by December 30, 2022. $9 million to above $45 million. MKTY is debt free and earnings and cash flow positive and expect to stay that way. Galaxy Digital just keeps making big deal after big deal. Following the purchase of the largest cold storage company in the business BitGo, this week Galaxy announce they will be the liquidity provider for Goldman Sachs.

From Dec 2020, before BitGo was acquired by Galaxy Digital:

BitGo processes over 20% of all global Bitcoin transactions and supports over 300 coins and tokens. BitGo’s customer base includes the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges and institutional investors and spans more than 50 countries. BitGo is backed by Goldman Sachs, Craft Ventures, Digital Currency Group, DRW, Galaxy Digital Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, and Valor Equity Partners. Source link

LOTM’s strategy is to buy todays value, look six to 24 months forward and capture the growth and increase in valuation metrics, we anticipate in the future timeline. Since we are buying companies at what we consider good value, we do not use stop losses . We manage the position with dollar-cost-averaging to establish the lowest cost basis we can while sell the higher cost basis positions on company stock rallies. In this way we manage the position to establish the lowest cost the lowest capital gains and Tax manage the position. LOTM buys companies and builds positions in related accounts. The Ten Under $10 for the Double list, is to test and show our ability to pick winning stocks following our profiling process.

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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