LOTM Thought of the Day – March 18, 2021: Rotation into Value away from Growth Continues.

Be careful. Looks like a Dead Cat Bounce in the NASDAQ 100.

The chart above is not friendly to growth investors. In slang terms the rally off the most recent low looks like a Dead Cat Bounce. At the very least we should expect a retest of the recent low. I hope I am wrong, but hope is not an investment strategy.

We will continue with a longer-term theme that shortages exist in a number of Commodities, and valuations are very attractive in the Commodities sector.

Gold, Silver, Copper and Nickel miners are favorites. They are generating cash as they have never done before. They have clean balance sheets. Mergers and Acquisitions will abound in 2021 and 2022. You can add Uranium to that list of minerals in short supply but profits in sales are not there yet. Big money is starting to accumulate uranium miners, however.

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