LOTM: Volatility Does Not Equal Fear

Make “volatility” your friend and take advantage of what she presents!
Volatility – why is that equated with Down markets and not Upward moving markets? Either way it is a normal part of stock market business.

  • Sell into extreme move upwards.
  • Buy into extreme moves downwards.

So, todays move down in not the beginning of a correction in growth stocks, but we are thinking, it is close to a low water mark for this leg of the growth stock downward move.

LOTM’s favorite risk management tool is dollar-cost-averaging – even when trading. We will often reduce the number of positions to raise cash to buy more shares in our core position.

Our largest five (core) positions (Partnership acct) at this time are:

  • Soluna Holdings (SLNH)
  • Galaxy Digital (BRPHF)
  • Karora Resources (KRRGF)
  • StoneCo (STNE)*
  • PagSerguro (PAGS)*

Our top three (core) industries ranked in order of largest to smaller

  • Blockchain / Crypto related
  • Commodities (Precious Metals and Oil & Gas)
  • Payment Application & Infrastructure software.

Of note is that of the three positions covered by TipRanks, all have apx twelve month, 100% upside price projection by top rated analysts. The three are PAGS, STNE and Galaxy Digital.
The other two – Karora and Soluna, I have great confidence in the potential for double or more in price within the next nine to eighteen months.

So, while I never like to see positions go through a sell off – I am not going to sell and lose my seat at the table of share position and would rather add shares, if possible.
You see, our core belief is we are buying companies and trading stocks. Buying companies trumps trading stocks when the downward volatility/opportunity presents itself – like now. 
I think today is an important day to be buying when looking at the next two to three months. Just a feeling. To each our own and I am just sharing.

Good luck to us all!

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
Please refer to our web site for full disclosure at www.LivingOffTheMarket.com ZTA Capital Group, Inc.
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