Early in my brokerage career (1977) I literally sat ten feet from a 68-year old broker, who, on news that a company he knew well, declared bankruptcy. He immediately liquidated everything he owned (which amounted to around $4 million dollars) and bought the stock and bonds of the bankrupt company. His logic in doing so was the railroad which he was buying into was a company he knew well and had traded for 30 years. The $3.00 stock and nickel on the dollar priced bonds he bought, had in his estimation, $150 per share in land value. Bankruptcy would free up the land value. Three-years later, his $4 million was many multiples higher. The company did not liquidate but because of the land value, reorganized. The $3.00 stock was trading at $150 per share and the bonds returned to full value and he was owed the back interest on the bonds. As 27 year-old new broker, it made an impression on me. That is how you make money in the market. Know your company. Trade the stock so you are ready for anything! It’s not a perfect world, however. You will still lose money on some deals. But over time … you will do well and occasionally get very “lucky.”
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to us all! It is going to be a wild ride in 2025 so buckle up. Continue reading