Quick Market comment and review – Not sure if this is the BIG One or not.

I: Outlook for Blockchain & Crypto is very positive.

II: Gold would be hurt by rising interest Rates & strong US$, However we believe it is not realistic for interest rates to rise. Over-printing of Fait currency is real loss of purchasing power. Gold is the stronger “Real Money”

III: Silver, Copper, battery metals will be in short supply as electric vehicles replace combustion engines. No way around this. Can’t flip a switch and get more Minerals. Takes years to increase production.

IV: LOTM is beginning to buy software companies (application & infrastructure) & Fintech companies in the Payments Industry. They are in steep declining chart patterns. Believe we are in the selling climax stage but will need time to build a base. Early and painful but better than late or not at all.

V: Consider some Inverse or “short the market” ETFs. Market Trend is down.

VI: Continue to build share position in core positions in areas related to

  • Blockchain/Crypto
  • Gold & Silver Mining
  • Energy, specifically Nat Gas and dividend paying Midstream (pipeline) companies  
  • Fintech.

Have a great day.

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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1 Response to Quick Market comment and review – Not sure if this is the BIG One or not.

  1. Daniel says:

    Take a look at Nagarro in the DAX

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