Central banks move gold back home after freeze on Russian assets

Sovereign investors, concerned about the precedent of sanctions,
prefer the physical metal to derivatives or ETFs

https://www.ft.com/content/76bddb74-4ddb-4e36-b70c-c0e26d8bf557 – July 10, 2023
A growing number of countries are bringing their physical gold reserves back home to avoid Russian-style sanctions on their foreign assets, while increasing their purchases of the precious metal as a hedge against high levels of inflation. Central banks globally made record purchases of gold in 2022 and into the first quarter of this year, as they hunted for safe havens from high inflation and volatile bond prices, according to a survey of sovereign investors by asset manager Invesco. China and Turkey together accounted for almost one-fifth of these purchases. Concerned by the decision by the US and others to freeze Russian assets, central banks opted to buy physical gold rather than derivatives or exchange traded funds that track the metal’s price. They also preferred to hold it in their own country as global tensions increased. Invesco’s survey found that 68 per cent of central banks held part of their gold reserves domestically, up from 50 per cent in 2020. In five years, that figure is expected to rise to 74 per cent, the survey showed. “Up until this year, central banks were willing to buy or sell gold through ETFs and gold swaps,” said Invesco’s head of official institutions Rod Ringrow. Continue reading


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The Transition from the Fiat System to a Blockchain/Crypto system

Rightly or wrongly, I have personally come to the conclusion that the gameplan of the US Government is to transition, over-time, from the current debt based, fiat system, started in 1913, and then taken off the gold standard in 1971, to a new digital / crypto based system. My estimate is that with Blackrock filing for a Bitcoin Spot ETF, the race is on. My guess is three to eight years for the complete transition in the USA. Other countries are ahead of the USA in this transition. Switzerland, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore are among the concentrated centers for crypto and blockchain.

The top five countries with the most substantial rates of crypto adoption are #1 – Vietnam, #2 – Philippines, #3 – Ukraine, #4 India and #5 – United States. See: Crypto around the world.  Continue reading


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LOTM: Understanding the back story of TradFi, Government and Bitcoin

There is a bigger story developing than just what the price of Bitcoin’s price is doing. The back story sounds more like a “Conspiracy Story” than a “Truth Story.” Many “Truth Stories” cannot be proven, so of course they evolve under the Conspiracy Story line. It is a headscratcher. What it boils down to is “don’t believe the words” but watch what “they do.” If you watch closely and participate so you experience, you can know the truth, but not prove the truth.

I have linked two short videos from one of the best investment truth tellers on the public airwaves today. Each Video is less than fifteen minutes. The speaker in the video’s has been temporarily censored from a popular media channel, yet he manages money for two large university endowment funds and institutional investors for decades. I don’t want to mention his name to avoid drawing attention to him. I am not asking you to believe his story on how the system works, but it is the truth as I have come to understand how government and established powers operate. Consider the information. Decide for yourself. We all need a belief foundation from which to build our business operation. Like layers of an onion, life has multiple operating levels. These two videos help see into the deeper levels of what might be happening in the crypto market and does happen in financial markets in general. I suggest listening to the Vids Continue reading


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LOTM: Soluna appears to be in charge again after a challenging 2022.

News today on an additional 160 megawatt project in end-stage negotiations.

This should be great news for the stock, but shareholders or past shareholders are not in the mood to accept forward looking statements. We believe this is a mistake, but it is always human nature. Investors are in a “show me the money” phase at this time, even though it appears Soluna has survived the 2022 issues that were mostly not of Soluna’s making. Keep in mind the adage, “Success is often surviving long enough to achieve it.”

Soluna will have a reverse stock split. The size reversal is not yet determined publicly. It appears one share for each ten shares you own is probable. This event and uncertainty does not help the confidence process. We are also waiting for the “new” business plan with forward financial projections. These two events are expected before July first. Investors are likely to place low confidence in the projections as they have been burned in the stock while management has not been proactive with Continue reading


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Opportunity to build on your Gold and Silver Positions in this Correction.

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Blackrock buying PSLV is big news as Blackrock has their own iShares ETF that owns physical Silver, SLV $21.68  Continue reading


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Three Bitcoin related ideas:

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC*) $14.22.

Galaxy Digital (BRPHF*) $4.08

MicroStrategy (MSTR) $299.88

Bitcoin vs. Gold: Which is Best? The Ultimate Showdown!! (linked here) May 30, 2023 – Presented by Guy at Coin Bureau. An excellent assessment, presented in a short video (19 minutes) concerning Gold Vs Bitcoin (BTC). LOTM likes both. Each has benefits and risks. I will not summarize the video as it is short and covers a broad swath of information and in detail. The one comment we will contribute as to our opinion, is that gold is more stable, recognized as a store of value for 5,000 years, recognized as the same as cash by the global banking systems, and is less trackable than bitcoin by governments. This makes Gold the better store of value to preserve wealth. Continue reading


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Why you might invest in a Space focused ETF.

Why Invest in Space?

We approach this from two perspectives.

The first is the fact that we are already in World War III. Funding is being poured into industries engaged in this into this area. Pippa Malmgren states the we are engaged in World War III with Russia and China. This war is being played out in outer space, under the ocean and in cyber space, right now. Pippa is connected, experienced, credible and someone worth listening to. A couple of her talks on WW III are linked here #1 and here #2.

The second is that Aliens are already here. The US Government and perhaps others have reverse engineered crashed alien technology and are applying our next generation technology. Far out, right! Well, there seems to be a low key effort by the government to introduce acceptance of “alien” concept to the public. This, after decades of calling UFO’s a “conspiracy theory,” and down playing alien contact Continue reading


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Osprey (OBTC) The “Other” Bitcoin Trust, Trading at a Big Discount to NAV

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC is the largest holder of Bitcoin in a accessible public vehicle in the world. GBTC today trades at a discount to it Net Asset Value (NAV) of 41.68%. The number of Bitcoins owned by GBTC is approximately 633,000.

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There is another Trust that trades in the USA the only owns Bitcoin. That trust is Osprey Bitcoin Trust (OBTC). It also trades at a discount though not as large a discount as GBTC. The OBTC discount to NAV is 36.46%. Continue reading


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