March 7, 2023 Gold to Silver Ratio 90.4 (Link)
Energy Is life and your living standard depends on how much you waste. This is LOTM’s investment theme for the next three to eight years.
How much right do world government have to decide who uses how much energy? This is a question we need to address from our general population perspective.
We have a management group who consumes a very high degree of energy in private jets, large (I mean large) homes and consume other forms of energy we can only dream of using. This group is telling us there are too many people on the planet, single family homes are a privilege of the past and we cannot sustain the world growth rate we have today, and we must reduce consumption and choose where this energy for consumption comes from. The group is the World Economic Forum (WEF). Left Continue reading
We have gone four-weeks with our sample-example of why one can buy into year -end tax selling as a regular practice. This is the last data point on this we will publish. Whatever your thoughts on the market, we feel we have shown that buying into tax loss selling periods is a repeatable annual event. Do your tax loss selling early in the season and have cash available for buying into tax loss selling. At LOTM we put this in the category of “Position Management” combined with “Tax Management” of positions and Trading Opportunities.
As a potential “trade” – You might look at LABU as a short term trade. It sure seems to me that this is going to pop next week. Technically it is nicely set-up with the share price of LABU above its rising 20-day, above the 50-day and above the 150-day moving average with the price of LABU above both. Money seems to be coming into Genomic stocks individually. This is levered three times so be careful. Continue reading
EQT Corp (EQT)
Bi-polar Global Currency & Supply Chain Developing
The two maps below illustrate the change in global trade from 2000 to 2020. Dynamics have change with China reversing Financial and Trade importance on the global stage from the United States. Countries such as Germany and Saudi Arabia, traditionally allies to the USA, have shifted to moving towards China in trade and financial relationships.