Picking a market top or a market bottom is really tough, yet here I am say or maybe suggesting a market bottom has been made in the last two weeks.
Something Broke – Terra Luna broke last week. People close to Terra Luna are trying to fix it, but a lot of psychological damage has been done. Bitcoin saw 2.4 Billion US Dollars’ worth of coin trade a week ago Thursday. That is certainly a panic sell by someone. Terra Luna. More importantly is the question – who bought. The price of Bitcoin dropped from around $30,000 to $25,000 and came back to $30,000 in about 24 hours. This week Bitcoin sold down to just under $29000 and seems to be holding. No bottom is complete until we can look backwards and see the price moving higher and out of the low price area. We will need to see the price cross above $31,000 and $32,000 for that. Continue reading