LOTM: Eight Blockchain/Crypto Stocks on Sale

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This video linked below on Bitcoin and its current price decline worthy of sharing.

Michael Saylor – well known holder of Bitcoin – presents the video. Saylor’s company, MicroStrategy, is one of the largest the public company holders of Bitcoin in the world. I mention this because he is “talking his book”. It is aways important to know the perspective of the person you are listening to. This does not mean they are wrong or right just that our world, the investment world, is all about time, space, perspective, probabilities and emotions. Most people have a belief system if they hold large positions.

What resonated to me in the video, was Saylor’s explanation between the different owners of Bitcoin. Originally it was mostly individuals with cash ownership and leveraged ownership. Now you have Venture Capital/Hedge funds and Institutional investors with new and different  goals and objectives.

LOTM Perspective:

  • I have committed to the belief that Blockchain and crypto is here to stay and is a new asset group.
  • The best way to own exposure to Blockchain and crypto is through the companies that develop, use, and/or apply the applications connected to blockchain. Individual companies are easier to trade short-term and own long-term than direct ownership of crypto.
  • The leverage and thin trading in Bitcoin and alt-coins, makes pattern recognition and technical analysis unstable and difficult to work with.
  • Crypto will survive as an asset and as software application but mature countries will fight hard to keep crypto from being a cross-border currency. Crypto as currency can be accepted within a developed country’s borders. Cross-border crypto currency transfer is feared by developed countries, but they don’t know how to deal with it. Therefore, new government rules can be jolting and not practicable.
  • Crypto coins ( think software ) can change or be replaced by the companies building the use case enabled by crypto and can adapt faster and with less risk than the crypto software itself. MoneyGram is a case example. The last eighteen months saw MoneyGram stop collaborating with XRP (Ripple), rotate to Visa’s crypto rails and now is collaborating with Stellar Foundation (linked here).

Interesting companies to LOTM include:

The companies are linked to Finviz for News, Charts, Analyst comments.

LOTM considers these companies as desirable to own long-term. the current sell off presents an opportunity to buy at a large discount to their highs of 2021. A dollar-cost-averaging risk management approach is suggested. This is the second-year of a multiple decade long, above normal growth trend, for applications of blockchain and crypto. As such manage the price of the stock, scale in, scale out & scale back in, but keep a core position for a five to ten years. I believe you will make a lot of money.

Also of interest, produced Jan 22, 2022

Comments on alt-energy by Elon and Dorsey without mentioning Soluna totally endorses Soluna’s data center approach to energy and use of alt-energy. I doubt if either Dorsey or Elon have heard of Soluna Holdings.

It’s a nice day here on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina – Greenville area – so going for a long walk and food on Greenville’s Main street / eat street.

I am very impressed with this area of the United States. I have not been here before.
You have a great day too!

Written Saturday January 22, 2022, by Tom Linzmeier, editor LivingOffTheMarket.com

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
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