LOTM: Market Thoughts at a Point of Uncertainty and Change

Personally, I have a 45 years of experience in the markets. I have more than a base knowledge of the markets, but I also consume and consolidate three to five hours of daily financial views & opinions in all forms, six and most of the time, seven days a week. Those of you with a life, don’t have the time to consume this much information. One of your benefits to reading LOTM, is the consolidation of news and more importantly “forward looking” opinion flow. If I wasn’t an addicted news junkie, I might have a life also. But it would not be nearly as much fun – for me. Have a great day!

  • Third party support for Rotation from Big Tech to Commodities, Value and Cyclicals
    Macro-Trader Tony Greer’s top ideas to 2022 on Real Vision

“Tony Greer’s Best Bets for 2022” 34 minutes
A real vision interview with tony Greer on his top picks for 2022.
Greer discusses the Rotation from Growth towards Commodities. He is firmly of the opinion that the commodity market is at the beginning of a long commodity market move and end of the Tech heavy move of the past.
Greer is especially positive on Energy (fossil fuels & uranium) and Agriculture. He mentions DBA $19.80, a commodity ETF. He is positive on metals and metal miners but not over-weight waiting on a break out on gold and silver before piling on. It seems Greer is an ETF buyer and not so much an individual stock picker.
Greer is neutral on the US$ impacting commodity prices. Historically, the formula is USD Down / Commodities Up. Greer sees the UD$ now trending up and so are commodities, so he is not paying too much attention to the relationship between the historic relationship between US$ and  commodities.

Major points of the interview is

  • The rotation out of Big Tech and into Commodities is real
  • US$ down / Commodities up are now trading independent of each other
  • Oil and Gas supplies will not keep up with oil & Gas demand – bullish in E&P oil and gas companies.
  • Carbon Neutral by 2030 goals will not be met and kicked down the road.
  • Price controls, if enacted, on beef prices will backfire.

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  • MoneyGram (MGI)* $7.72 and recent deal with Stellar (XLM) $0.2931,

The recent deal between Stellar (XLM), the crypto coin, and MGI, could be very bullish in expanding the market for XLM. This is just a one or two sentences comment from Guy, Coin Bureau, Predictions for 2022.

  • The comment on MoneyGram and Stellar is used as an example of partnerships that expand the use of Crypto. This comment follows the 10 minute mark in the presentation linked above.

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Stellar (XLM) one year chart from TradingView

On MoneyGram:
I do not have intimate knowledge of MoneyGram’s relationship with Blockchain and crypto. What I hear and read from MoneyGram’s management, is that they have embraced crypto apps since 2017 and are pushing into blockchain / crypto partnerships and new applications faster than the majority of public companies. We suggest MoneyGram is embracing change and is an attractive stock / company to own. Since embracing blockchain/crypto in 2017, MoneyGram’s revenue in digital transfers has grown exponentially.


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LOTM recommends subscribing to Guy’s Coin Bureau channel if you are interested in high quality knowledge about what is happening in Crypto world. I have no relationship with the channel. It is an excellent source of knowledge and as you know, in the stock market & all markets, Knowledge is Money. “Timely” Knowledge, is how you build wealth.

Summary of Guy’s 2022 predictions

1. Most cryptocurrencies will see new all-time highs ✅ (Literally every single one)
2. Regulators will keep hunting down crypto projects ✅ (Uniswap, Terra, etc.)
3. Regulatory clarity will drive crypto adoption ✅ (Lot’s more to be done there of course)
4. Regulatory crackdowns will super charge innovation ✅ (Push for decentralization)
5. Blockchain voting used in elections ❌ (Who needs transparent elections anyhow?)
6. Privacy oriented crypto projects will see adoption ✅ (Tornado Cash, Secret Network, etc.)
7. Facebook’s Libra AKA Diem will launch but not see adoption ❌ (Novi wallet doesn’t count)
8. Quantum computing will become a hot topic ❌ (Though we have seen new quantum resistant cryptos)
9. Ethereum layer 2s will become more important than ever ✅ (Polygon flipped Ethereum for active addresses)
10. Coin Bureau will become one of the largest crypto YouTube channels ✅ (But there’s still lots of work to be done!)

You can Read, you can watch Videos, but nothing beats Personal Interaction for accelerated learning.
This game has levels of understanding that could take a lifetime of Trial and Error to learn.
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LOTM Research & Consulting Service
* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
Please refer to our web site for full disclosure at www.LivingOffTheMarket.com ZTA Capital Group, Inc.
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