Mechanical Technology (MKTY): Interview with LOTM’s Tom Linzmeier

Dec 10, 2020 – Audio Interview with Moshi Binyamin, President, MTI Instruments, Michael Toporek, CEO, MTI Instruments and Thomas Linzmeier, Investor & Blogger,

Discussion Questions for Dec 10, 2020

I: Large Air Force contract that ended in October 2020

  • If possible, will you share,  how much of the contract revenue was delivered in Q3 and/or inversely what percent was delivered post Sept Q3 ending?
  • Since the Airforce contract was a one-time event and it is now behind us; What do we as shareholders have to look forward to, replacing or as follow-up on that contract?
  • Are there growth areas in the instrument business that might fill the gap left from the one-time nature of the large Air Force contract?

II: GE Wind Turbines and EV Battery sensors

In a recent press release by MTI, it was stated that you were working on parts or sensors for General Electric Wind turbines and sensors for EV batteries.

  • How meaningful might the addition of GE wind turbines and the EV / Auto business be in 2021 as a new business?
  • How might the order flow evolve – 1) Lumpy over the year 2021 or 2) start small and ramp to larger recurring scale?

III: Crypto Mining and EcoChain.

  • Comments on current operational scale at the Washington State operation?
  • Plans for additional growth/scale in 2021.
  • Would you consider acquisitions if available?
  • Money raising goals specifically for financing expansion into Crypto Mining separately from activity related to Soluna.
  • Has there been expressed interest from the Co-partnering suggestion on the EcoChain web site?

IV: Soluna

  • Can you comment on the current status at Soluna for MKTY? Is this a passive investment in the data center or will MKTY management take a more active role in the development of the data center? Any additional color is appreciated.

V: Micro Fuel Cell.

  • Since many owners of MKTY bought MKTY shares specifically because of the Micro Fuel cell activity, is there an expectation of a technology sale and is it meaningful to MKTY and shareholders?
  • Activity at Micro fuel cell related to Drones and sensors – Post the passing of Mr. Walt Robb?

Questions by Tom Linzmeier

Mechanical Technology (MKTY)* Website:
MTI Instruments website:
EcoChain website:

MKTY Technical Opinion:

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* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
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