Maleeha Bengali: Inflation Is A Certainty, Growth Not So Much – Interviewed Dec. 1, 2020

BEST Interview ever! From her mind to your Mind with no hesitation for 58 minutes. Great opportunity to hear and see an elite researcher, analyst and experienced trader who shares her 360-degree view into the next three to six months (her trading timeline). Intense with tons of knowledge, wisdom & information. Must Watch!

Maleeha Bengali: Inflation Is A Certainty, Growth Not So Much
Interview by Bran De Haas December 1, 2020 YouTube (linked here)

Bio: Maleeha Bengali is CEO of MB Commodities Capital, based in London. Previously with Noble Gp, UBS and Goldman Sachs
Ms. Bengali Trades: Futures, FOREX and Equities

Video Summary:
Gold, Silver, Copper & Oil (Futures) , Miners especially Silver (SIL, SILJ* PAAS* & AG), Copper & Gold. Crypto (Bitcoin. Like Oil (futures and stocks) for the Vaccine recovery – Thinks large cap Tech can continue moving high because growth is still 20% to 25% and they have a lot of cash. In equities she likes and profiles for low-debt, high cash, strong profit margins and good management.

  • Dollar will decline; however, it is a very tight market, and we could get a violent short covering rallies at times because everyone knows the dollar is heading lower.
  • Likes oil but oil could pause as a bit too much too fast in price.  Demand is building with the Vaccine and return to air travel. Depends on how much the market wants to look forward. US oil production is crippled by the March collapse. Russia and Middle East will provide the supply to meet demand. Saudi needs $85 oil to meet its needs. Russia needs $60 to $65. Most O&G producers will be very happy with $50 to $55 oil.
  • Inflation is for sure. Governments, especially USA will print to stimulate. Watch the spread between Ten-year treasury and Inflation to gage the rate of decline in purchasing power of the dollar. Government inflation is not a true measure of inflation, so this is hard to dig out on a consistent basis.
  • Growth may be missing – Stagflation – despite the pumping by governments to stimulate growth.
  • Bitcoin is draining money from gold short term but Gold, Silver & Copper are in a rising trend and more stable than bitcoin. Bitcoin is hot & rising but very volatile. How much or which you use is a risk management decision not a should you or should you not decision. Both will do well.

Highly recommend listening to this if not today this weekend. The theme is familiar to LOTM readers but her process in getting there is a real treat. Glimpse into the mind of a Researcher, Analyst and Trader – all in one package.

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