LOTM: Lots to say – very little fear – Think we are right where we want to be.

That pretty much sums up our emotions today.
As to positioning in managed accounts, we have a blend of,

  1. Precious metal mining companies and commodity exposure for value and harmony with the current trend towards commodities and hard assets.
  2. Blockchain/Crypto for growth in the fastest growing industry on the planet.
  3. Bottoming fishing in Payments Software (FINTECH) industry. This is a very dynamic and rapid changing sector that is currently out of favor. We believe we can dollar-cost-average through the bottoming process to excellent returns in the future.
  4. We hold some high dividend stocks like AM/SLNHP/SBSW/CRT – For cash flow and potential sources of investment funds in the future.

Yes, we are in a market correction. No, the world is not going to end – but a lot of money is going to be made and lost in the next three to six months.

In summary – our long-view to shorter-view.

  • 2000 to 2026 is a physical commodity, value investor, active investor (not passive ETF investor) rewarded period. Accumulate commodity rewarded assets on weakness.
  • LOTM likes both precious metals and bitcoin/crypto assets – not one better than the other. Precious metals as the best value and purchasing power protector and Blockchain/crypto as the fastest growth industry on the planet. Both are in corrective mode at the present. Accumulate on a dollar-cost-averaging basis as a risk management tactic.
  • Fossil fuels (Oil/Gas/Uranium) seems over-priced and vulnerable to a correction within another-wise strong upwards trend. Buy weakness but not now. Wait for the correction in Energy.
  • Payment Software (Fintech) is our current bottom picking, favorite area at the moment. The sector appears over-sold and in a technical  base mode building for poised for a rally. It is too soon for the group to regain its previous strength because money is rotating away from this area (former growth at any price) to value/cyclical/commodity area. Never-the-less it is getting cheap and worth establishing initial position. This sector rarely gets cheap. See attached PDF (for daily readers) for comment on BKKT, a company of strong interest to LOTM .

One year chart of ARK Fintech ETF –

It is very appealing to me at this price on a bottom fishing early phase accumulation action. Chart from TC2000.com


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Will two legs down be the limit to the down draft or is three down-drafts be required? I cannot give you the answer to that but,  for the moment it looks oversold. ARKF is our proxy for the group. We own individual companies from this industry. We will trade ARK if funds allow. As everyone has different finances, time frames & risk tolerances, an ETF might be part of your trading/investing/speculating planning. We suggest both a stop loss &/or a dollar cost averaging risk managing approach depending on your personal situation.

  • 1/7/22 Holdings in the ARKF Fintech ETF attached as PDF (for Daily readers)

Crypto & Blockchain is the technology. Out interest on Fintech, is a play on companies Using Blockchain/Crypto technology to grow faster and more profitably.

Good fortune to all. Play within your risk perimeter so you can be fearless!

In the payment (Fintech) sector, accounts related to LOTM own MGI/STNE/PAGS and BKKT.

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LOTM Research & Consulting Service
* An account related to LOTM holds a position in this security.
Neither LOTM nor Tom Linzmeier is a Registered Investment Advisor.
Please refer to our web site for full disclosure at www.LivingOffTheMarket.com ZTA Capital Group, Inc.
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