Statement of Credibility for Bitcoin:

In this Blog:

  • IMF statement on Bitcoin
  • LOTM top ETF recommendation for Crypto & Blockchain application companies

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Equinox Gold (EQX*) Ready to expand production by 400,000 Oz Gold Annually

Important events happening at Equinox:
I: First gold pour on track for Q2 2024 at its Eighth Gold Mine – Greenway
II: EQX consolidates ownership of Greenway from 60/40 split to 100%

Production has begun at Greenway, EQX’s eighth gold mine. EQX also announced they have consolidated its ownership of Greenway to 100%. Annual production at Greenway is projected at 400,000 ounces of gold annually.

Greenway will be the largest producing mine in EQX’s portfolio of mines. It is also EQX’s lowest cost of production mine, and one of the largest gold mines in Canada.  Continue reading


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LOTM: Must see interviews this week

Speed listen while driving or working out to cut time but tons of solid logic in these conversation. It bothers me a little to have so many people saying the same thing, yet the reasoning is solid.

Geo-political situation is unclear. This week, a video appeared of B-52’s being armed at Grand Forks, ND with live nuclear tipped cruise missiles. There is only one thing more real than that.

The common theme is boiled down to – the only choice the US has, is to devalue the US Dollar and let gold run. Continue reading


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Galaxy Digital and Crypto Up-date from Mike Novogratz, Founder – CEO of Galaxy

In an April 7, 2024 dated released interview with Scott Melker, Mike Novogratz discusses:

  • Why he has 2/3 of his net worth in crypto and Blockchain.
  • Galaxy’s turnaround from 2022 disaster in crypto to Blue-sky, everything is working great in 2024.
  • TradFi shifting to tokenization of securities and debt towards tokenization of everything of value.
  • Novogratz is one of the loudest voices promoting crypto and Blockchain. He believes this is a technological revolution that is changing the world similarly to how the internet changed the world.
  • This is not only a technology change of enormous proportion, but a path out of the falling purchasing power of fiat currencies around the world.

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S&P Priced in Physical Gold – Game-on for Hard Assets

Tradition has the S&P 500 priced in US Dollars. If however, the purchasing power of the US Dollar is declining due to money printing and the resulting inflation the S&P will rally. That does not imply that you have maintained your purchasing powers. Somethings are not included in the inflation rate. Things like home prices and food.

To give a better picture of our purchasing power we have used gold and Bitcoin as the denominator to the S&P 500. Because gold has historically not been devalued through excess money printing, we can use gold to be a better savings vehicle than the US Dollar.

Here what the last year look like for S&P 500 performance when priced in US Dollars. Below that graphic we show that the S&P 500 performance is when priced in gold. Continue reading


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Silver Stocks on the Move as are Gold Miners

LOTM is bullish on gold and silver miners. We were early as is our profile but now the move has started. We are basically positive on hard assets. We include Bitcoin as a version of hard asset with its fixed number of coins that will forever be limited at 21 million. Many are above their 50- and 150-day moving averages. Look at the charts before you buy. Know your companies as best you can to avoid unpleasant surprises. Unpleasant surprises are normal in the market but try to minimize them as best you can. Names below are not a suggested buy list but are posted only to illustrate that the miners are on the move higher.

Listed below are the better performing silver & gold companies we track dated April 2nd . Continue reading


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S&P 500 (SPY) divided by Gold (GLD)

S&P 500 (SPY) divided by Gold (GLD) is starting to roll-over based on the shorter-term moving averages. This means that the S&P 500 is doing less well than the price of gold. If you rotate between the S&P 500 and the Gold ETF (GLD), you would be starting the shift from (sell) the S&P 500 and into (buy) the physical gold ETF – GLD. With the price of the S&P 500/GLD indicator now below 50-day moving average, and the 20-day MA about to drop below the 50-day MA, the S&P 500 rally is now on a short-term sell signal and a buy GLD signal.

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Dated March 11 – 23

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