Oil & Nat Gas’s Fate, Lies in the Hands of Georgia

Does Nat Gas and Oil go the way of Coal in the United States?

Georgia Senators determine the Fate of Oil and Gas in the United States:
At the end of last week, the US Democrats had a majority in the House of Representatives. President-elect Joe Biden is likely to take his oath and become the forty-sixth President of the United States on January 20. The last link in the chain that would allow for a clear sailing of the Democrat’s political agenda is a majority in the Senate. As of the end of last week, Republicans held fifty seats and Democrats forty-eight. Two seats remain outstanding. If Democrats capture those contests (both are in Georgia), they win the majority as Vice President-elect Harris would have the tie-breaking vote
. Andrew Hecht – Seeking Alpha Continue reading


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Are Junior Silver Miners Setup for A Big Rally?

Above is a link to an article written November 5th, 2020 – I have the opinion that yes, Junior silver miners are set up for. In a related account we do own SILJ the Junior Silver ETF, chart below:

Long Term SILJ chart: Continue reading


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Hunting for Doubles – Ten under $10 Updated Nov 13, 2020

A reminder that this is a dynamic list. We will hold positions greater or less than ten in the portfolio. During neutral and positive trending markets, we will expand this list. However, when the over-all trend begins to decline, we will shrinking this list and will add to the companies we consider “core” positions. This strategy is not for the weak of heart or stomach. It has produced big gains over multiple market cycles for our accounts. This strategy is part of our risk management policy. Continue reading


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The “Too Cheap” Market Sector: Oil and Gas

Provided to subscribers November 8, 2020

  • Best Values in a Deeply Oversold Industry
  • LOTM s Best Stocks in the Oil & Gas industry
  • Ranking by Analysts (Fundamental) and Technical Analysis (Momentum)

The best 2020 values at the moment in the stock market are in energy, especially Natural Gas. We put together a list of some companies that look attractive for longer term. Some are debt free; most have modest debt and a couple have sizable debt that seems manageable.

A couple of the companies that are debt free and nearly debt free royalty companies that pay really attractive dividends that will grow when these companies expand drilling activity. They are MNRL and BSM (see below). Continue reading


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LOTM Investment Themes for 2021!

I: Precious Metals are in a Bull Market

  • We have expanded that to all miners as contributors to Infrastructure Buildout, Alternative Energy Expansion and Electrification of Transportation.
  • This Metal Bull is volatile and long winded – this will last for multiple years but expect sharp, sudden and out-of-nowhere corrections. Recoveries will be equally quick and sharp.

II: 2020 to 2030 will be the Decade of Commodities.

  • Fed Policy clearly states low interest rates for multiple years and a desire to let inflation rise above Fed target goals. Why – Pay back the Federal Debt with Cheaper Dollars. It was done after the Civil War and after WW2. First rule of Investing: Follow the Fed.
  • Oil & Gas Prices will rise in 2021 and 2022 as Jet travel and economies normalize with introduction of Covid Vaccines
  • Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminum and Silver demand will increase as the transport industry electrifies – Batteries, Electric motors, Wind Solar & Electronics devices. All require metal and electrical conductivity. As environmental regulations increase with the new administration and inhibit supply, metal prices will rise.

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Hunting for Doubles: Ten Under $10 – Updated November 7, 2020

Ten Under $10 for the Double was started Aug 1, 2020.

Ten under $10 for the Double:

  • Reminder that this is a dynamic list so we will hold positions greater or less than ten in the portfolio. During neutral and positive trending markets, we will expand this list. However, when the over-all trend begins to decline, we will shrinking this list and will add to the companies we consider “core” positions. This strategy is not for the weak of heart or stomach. It has produced big gains over multiple market cycles for our accounts. This strategy is part of our risk management policy. Weed out the weak and rally around (buy) the fundamentally strong when the price is weak.

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Silver Miners Break Out of Their Consolidation Pattern

What to Do?

Prime Junior Silver Miners ETF

Long Time readers Know we have been bullish on Silver and gold since June of 2015. That is when the miners were valued at the lowest price Vs the physical metals ever. “Too Cheap”, is what we said at the time. Since then we have had some amazing rallies and some breathtaking corrections, but always working in an upward direction. It is not ending any time soon. The 2020 chart above is easy to read. A 50% decline in less than four weeks in March a really nice rally to August 1 and a correction until now. What to do? Continue reading


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Ten Under $10: Hunting for Doubles – Update October 31, 2020

Market took a big correction this week. Our positions came down like everyone’s.

We have a position or two we will sell on a rally.

A possible candidate is FLY. Further research into the Airline industry suggest that lease rates were being negotiated lower even before Corona-19 Virus. Probably more so since the Communist  China Corona Virus arrived. It is beginning to look like too much swimming against the current with no visible catalyst to resolve the issue. We do not suggest buying or adding to this position. Continue reading


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